Decomposing the Differences in Healthy Life Expectancy between Migrants and Natives: the ‘Healthy Migrant Effect’ and Its Age Variations in Australia

Decomposing the Differences in Healthy Life Expectancy between Migrants and Natives: the ‘Healthy Migrant Effect’ and Its Age Variations in Australia
Photo by Barbara Zandoval on Unsplash

Whether the ‘healthy migrant effect’ exhibits different patterns in mortality and morbidity and how such patterns change during migrants’ acculturation and ageing processes have not been adequately understood in the literature. This study presents an in-depth investigation of the healthy migrant effect and its age variations in Australia, a major migration destination country. Specifically, the study estimates life expectancy (LE) and healthy life expectancy (HLE) of the Australia-born and overseas-born populations, as well as eight Australian migrant groups, and decomposes the HLE differences into mortality differences and morbidity differences from three dimensions: age, gender and country of birth.

Professor Fei Guo is a Professor in the Department of Management at Macquarie Business School, Macquarie University. Dr Guogui Huang is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University.

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Date & time

Tue 06 Sep 2022, 11am–12pm


Room 4.69, RSSS Building, ANU, 146 Ellery Crescent, Acton and by Zoom


Fei Guo
Guogui Huang


James O'Donnell


Updated:  6 September 2022/Responsible Officer:  RSSS Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications