ANU experts attended the KOSTAT-UNFPA Summer Seminar on Population

ANU experts attended the KOSTAT-UNFPA Summer Seminar on Population
Participants of the KOSTAT-UNFPA Summer Seminar on Population with Mr Lee, Hyoung Il, Commissioner of Statistics Korea and Professor Edith Gray (in the centre). Photo courtesy E.Gray
Tuesday 10 September 2024

Professors Edith Gray and Vladimir Canudas-Romo participated in the 11th KOSTAT-UNFPA Summer Seminar on Population, held last July in Korea. The seminar featured three distinct yet consecutive workshops focusing on demographic research and methods: 'Demographic Analysis', 'Fertility Analysis', and 'Mortality Analysis'. The Summer Seminar on Population serves as a forum for individuals and institutions concerned with population-related issues to promote their statistical capacities worldwide by providing an independent and consecutive series of seminars to government statisticians and graduate students. 

Since 2017, the seminar has been co-hosted by KOSTAT and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The KOSTAT-UNFPA Summer Seminar on Population is a world-renowned platform where hundreds of participants from around the world, share and discuss population-related issues.

More information here.


Updated:  19 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  RSSS Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications