The Research School of Social Sciences (RSSS) is Australia’s major institution for theoretical and empirical research in the social sciences. It is also a significant presence in the nation’s undergraduate, postgraduate and postdoctoral training in the social sciences.
One of the four foundation research schools of the Institute of Advanced Studies at ANU, for decades RSSS has been a forerunner in social sciences research. It has a proud history and a wonderful depth of talent and outstanding scholarship.
The School is Australia’s major institution for theoretical and empirical research in the social sciences and has an international reputation for exceptional social science research and training. It has both undergraduate and graduate teaching programs, and we are proud that we teach what we research.
We contribute to public debates in Australia and internationally across the whole social sciences spectrum. We convene workshops, public lectures, debates and roundtables that address issues of public and community importance, and these can be found in the websites of our individual schools and centres.