Visiting Fellowship Scheme with Grant
ANU Research School of Social Sciences
(1) Purpose
The purpose of the Visiting Fellowship Scheme is to enable the ANU Research School of Social Sciences (RSSS) to host distinguished researchers or early career researchers from an Australian or overseas academic institution with a view to promoting and building on RSSS research excellence in the area of the social sciences.
(2) The main goals of the Visiting Fellowship Scheme are to help:
- promote the Research School’s national and international profile as a School of academic excellence;
- advance new and established research collaborations between the Research School and leading researchers and institutions within and outside Australia;
- enhance the national and international scope and/or impact of collaborative research conducted by Research School staff;
- develop further the Research School’s research culture through master classes, seminars, public engagement events and other activities;
- enrich the research and training environment for early career (postgraduate and postdoctoral) scholars based in the Research School; and
- maintain the Research School as a key disciplinary, interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research centre.
(3) Criteria
(a) Academic excellence will be the main criterion. Applicants will be distinguished or early career academics with a proven track record of publication and research in areas of interest to the Schools/Centres that will host them.
(b) Nominators of potential Visiting Fellowship candidates should provide:
- A summary of research interests connected with the work being undertaken in the host School/Centre.
- A proposal of work including aims and significance, and the suitability of the research environment in the host School/Centre.
- Information about links with researchers in Schools/Centres other than the host School/Centre where appropriate.
- A summary of the benefits arising from the visit to the School/Centre including alignment with the School’s priorities as set out in its School Strategic Plan.
- The candidates up to date Curriculum Vitae.
(c) In addition, applicants should include a description of one research or training event targeted at post-doctoral fellows/higher degree scholars and, where appropriate one public event such as a University public lecture or seminar aimed at a broader audience.
(4) Conditions of Visiting Fellowship Award
The Visiting Fellowship will be awarded under the following conditions:
- The Award will fund four to eight weeks at a School/Centre. Fellows are expected to be based at the ANU full-time for the duration of the Fellowship. Should they wish, Fellows may take their award over two periods within the same year of their visit. Key provisions of the award are:
- Candidates need to guarantee that they will spend the full funding period in Canberra. Periods away from the School should not occur during the period covered by the accommodation segment of their Fellowship.
- Candidates opting to take their award over two periods will get an airfare paid only once through the Visiting Fellowship Scheme.
- A candidate’s period of stay will be expected to be no less than specified in the nomination form.
- Fellows will be expected to contribute fully to the academic life of RSSS and the University throughout the term of their fellowship. This will require regular attendance on campus.
- Only one Fellowship may be awarded to an applicant within a three-year period.
- The value of the Fellowship shall be up to AU$11,000. It shall comprise:-
- A contribution to return economy class airfare to Canberra up to AU$3,000. Fares for dependents, visa charges, medical insurance and removal expenses, will not be provided. To comply with Australian Taxation Office (ATO) requirements, claims for travel expenses will be paid on production of an invoice or a receipt from a travel agency.
- A contribution towards rental accommodation of up to AU$8,000 (evidenced by receipts).
- Reimbursements are conditional to the presentation of final reports.
- Access to University library and other relevant infrastructure including office space and computing facilities.
Visiting Fellows are required to provide a final report covering their research activities and collaboration and outlining the benefits of the stay. This report needs to be at least 1 full page and be endorsed by the Head of School/Centre. A report pro forma can be found here: RSSS Visiting Fellow Report
We also welcome comments and recommendations on ways in which the Fellowship could be improved within its existing limits for the benefit of future Fellows.
(5) Membership of the RSSS Visiting Fellowship Committee
- Director, RSSS Ex Officio
- One member from each School/Centre within RSSS.
(6) Frequency of Meetings
The RSSS Visiting Fellowship Committee shall meet once per year. Please check back to this page to view the finalised submission and meeting dates for 2025